1. Limonium chersonesum Erben & Brullo, sp. nov. (Fig.  53)

Type:-GREECE. Crete: Insel Kreta, Nordküste, ca. 22 km E von Iraklion (Heraklion), NNW von Limin Hersonisou (Chersonissos), E von Svourou Metodi, Akrotiri Hersonisos, Bereich des Kaps und unmittelbare Umgebung, Felsküste, Wegränder, 0-10 msm, 18 August-1 September 2001, D. & H. Wittmann s.n. (holotype M!).
Diagnosis:-Planta perennis, glabra, glauca, 25-40 cm alta, foliis10-30 × 2-4, anguste oblanceolatis ad anguste spathulatis, verrucosis vel cum nonnullis glandulis crateriformibus, 1-nerviis, caulibus 15-30 cm longis, verrucosis, ramis sterilibus numerosis, spicis 10-80 mm longis, spiculis 7.5-8.0 mm longis, 1-3-floris, ad 1-5 in 1 centimetro dispositis, bractea inferiore 2.3-3.2 × 2.0-2.5 mm, triangulari-ovata, bractea media 2.8-3.1 × 1.9-2.2 mm, oblongo-elliptica, bractea superiore 6.2-7.0 × 3.6-3.8 mm, oblongo-elliptica, apice rotundata, margine late membranaceo, calyce 5.4-6.2 mm longo, ex bractea superiore 0.8-1.2 mm exserto, tubo sparsim piloso, lobis calycis ca. 0.6 × 0.8 mm, semi-ellipticis.

Description:-Plant perennial, glabrous, forming a sub-shrub 25-40 cm tall, with some erect stems and a robust tap-root. Caudices 1-3 cm long, branched, densely spirally leafy in the upper half, living leaves at apices in rosettes. Leaves fleshy, glaucous, flat or v-shaped in cross-section, verrucate or with crateriform glands, 10-30 mm long and 2-4 mm broad, narrowly oblanceolate to narrowly spathulate, apex acute to obtuse, sometimes retuse, with one central nerve, gradually tapering into the petiole. Stems slightly glaucous, verrucate or with some crateriform glands, 15-30 cm long, flexuous, more or less constricted at nodes, branching begins near the base of the stems, often proliferous at the nodes. Inflorescence narrowly obtrullate in outline. Sterile branches numerous, 1-5 cm long, straight to flexuous, unbranched. Fertile branches 1-8 cm long, straight to flexuous, more or less constricted at nodes, erect or directed obliquely upwards, forming branching angles of 20°- 30°, sometimes branched in the upper half. Spikes 10-80 mm long, straight to slightly curved, directed obliquely upwards. Spikelets 7.5-8.0 mm long, composed of 1-3 flowers, remotely to densely arranged with 1-5 per 1 cm. Outer bract 2.3-3.2 mm long and 2.0-2.5 mm broad, triangular-ovate, obtuse; bract margin broadly membranous, central part slightly fleshy, sometimes only at the base, acuminate. Middle bract membranous, 2.8-3.1 mm long and 1.9-2.2 mm broad, oblong-elliptic, rounded. Inner bract glaucous, 6.2-7.0 mm long and 3.6-3.8 mm broad, oblong-elliptic, rounded; bract margin broadly membranous; central part fleshy, 4.5-5.5 mm long and 2.2-2.8 mm broad, oblong, acuminate, forming a triangular tip, 1.0-1.4 mm long, not reaching the upper margin. Calyx 5.4-6.2 mm long, exceeding the inner bract by 0.8-1.2 mm; calyx tube sparsely, shortly to long hairy, with 5 ribs ending above the base of lobes; calyx lobes ca. 0.6 × 0.8 mm, semi-elliptical. Corolla lilac.
Distribution:-Confined to the coast near Hersonissos in northeast Crete (Fig. 92C).
Habitat:-Calcareous rocky coast.
Etymology:-The epithet “chersonesum” refers to Chersonesus, the old name of the city Hersonissos.
Taxonomic remarks:-L. chersonesum is similar to L. elaphonisicum in having narrowly oblanceolate leaves and numerous unbranched sterile branches, but it differs from the latter by having more densely arranged spikelets and shorter inner bracts. The peculiar habit of both species places them in the L. chersonesum group.
Specimens examined (Paratypes):-GREECE. Crete: Kreta, Ep. Pediados, N-Küste, westl. Malia,   Strand
beim Hotel Anthoussa Beach, 6 April 1982, Kalheber 82-637 (Herb. Kalheber); Creta, Hersonissos, 8 June  2000,
Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben).
FIGURE 53. Limonium chersonesum Erben & Brullo. A) Habit; B) Spikelet; C) Outer bract; D) Middle bract; E) Inner bract; F) Calyx; G) Calyx lobes; H) Leaves. (Habit and leaves drawn from “Creta, Hersonissos, Brullo & Giusso s.n., CAT”, spikelet details from Kreta, Akrotiri Hersonisos, D. & H. Wittmann s.n., M”).